Showing posts with label Race equity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Race equity. Show all posts

Saturday, December 10, 2022


In a field on the outskirts of town, God’s children gathered at dusk. When the old men finished talking, it was quiet. The sun had set. The air was thick with kerosene and fresh woodchips were strewn upon the ground. The silence was broken by the gallop of horses as the men crossed the field carrying torches to light their way. The children let out a thunderous cheer when they lit the cross. The night sky glowed red from afar.

That was more than fifty years ago. The field is empty now. The collision of darkness with 20th Century America gave rise to champions of freedom. Across the southland we remember their sacrifices. We remember their journey.

Today, the sun shines brightly, but the land remains unwell. Filled with life, color and song, we see the promise in all God’s children.

Precious in his sight, they will heal this land. 

Tom M.

U2 - Pride

© 2022 Tom Malmay

Sunday, November 20, 2022


You are so dismissive. You don’t know about Birmingham, Alabama in 1963, or Selma 1965. I grew up hearing these stories. I heard the dog whistle in Virginia. 

Damn, damn, damn! I’m trying to reach you. 

You make me so mad. I’m trying to talk with you. My family did not own slaves. I wasn’t raised to be racist. You come at me with that attitude, and I get frustrated. 

Damn, damn, damn! I’m trying to reach you.

Our Heavenly Father, our tongues are tied, and the children are bootless. We lost our teacher under the Memphis sky. We ask you for wisdom to heal our land from the scourge of racism, persistent poverty and flooding. 

We reach out to you under the Memphis sky. 

Tom M.


Photograph Source: National Archive

Click here - Pieces of History: National Archives

© 2021 Tom Malmay

The Ouachita Parish - Mississippi Gulf Coast Connection

Hurricane Camille came ashore in August 1969 as a dangerous Category 5. The destruction didn't stop at the Mississippi Coast. Like Hurri...